KOTANATOMI is a research methodology focused on the informal sector in public spaces, which aims to enhance the overall urban experience. It is based on recognition of the importance of the informal sector in the lives of millions of Jakartans, entrepreneurs and consumers alike, and the need for a new, uniquely Jakartan strategy, based on in-depth contextual knowledge.
Through this research, Rame-Rame Jakarta identifies the characteristics, forms and adaptation strategies of the always dynamic informal sector as it responds to the urban rhythms of a modern city.
The KOTANATOMI Framework
KOTANATOMI is an ongoing initiative to accommodate Jakarta's millions of informal enterprises within the framework of urban planning. The methodology is continually refined through ongoing experimentation and analysis of primary data from the KOTANATOMI archive as well as dialogue with academic institutions, practitioners, and government bodies.
Details of the most recent KOTANATOMI framework can be found here.

The KOTANATOMI informality research methodology was first used for a pilot study on Jalan Wahid Hasyim, a strategic transit corridor in Central Jakarta. This location was chosen to demonstrate the KOTANATOMI methodology as a tool to maximize the use of public space in the city.
Apart from the presence of many pedestrians, the range of activities in the WHC area is also very diverse, including offices, industry, government, many informal phenomena and the interactions between each of them.
The results of mapping informal activities along the WHC clearly demonstrate the dynamism of informality in the city of Jakarta and the need for new planning approaches that can accommodate it.
Open Data Access for All
In the KOTANATOMI phase 1 research, we conducted a direct survey to map the informal economy actors along the Wahid Hasyim Corridor (WHC / Wahid Hasyim Corridor).
The entire KOTANATOMI WHC dataset, including videos, maps, and excel datapoint sheets is available free of charge, along with a manual explaining how to use it, a series of reports explaining the research methodology, and a full version of our initial analysis.
Preliminary descriptive data can be found in this Google Data Studio
Data deskriptif terkait analisis awal penelitian KOTANATOMI
The aim of the KOTATANTOMI project is to provide a platform for wider interaction with today's issues of informality, by academics, state agencies, urban planners and the public.
The KOTANATOMI archive, including videos, maps, and excel datapoint sheets is available free of charge here, along with a manual explaining how to use the data, a series of reports explaining the research methodology, and a full version of our initial analysis up to this point.
Reports Series:
Understanding KOTANATOMI
Kotanatomi 1 (IND): Sebuah Kerangka Kerja untuk Penelitian Informalitas
Kotanatomi 1 (ENG): A Framework for Informality Research
Kotanatomi 2 (IND): Tipologi Usaha Informal & Kebijakan Perkotaan
Kotanatomi 2 (ENG): Informal Enterprise Typologies and Urban Policy
Kotanatomi 3 (IND): Mengakomodasi Kota Informal
Kotanatomi 3 (ENG): Accomodating informal cities
Materials Archive
Data, Maps & Video from KOTANATOMI WHC
Interested in doing your own research or investigation on informality and other activities in Jakarta's public spaces? The KOTANATOMI material archive has been released so that we can all better understand informality together! **
** access & use of the KOTANATOMI Archives is permitted under under the Open Database License. Any rights in individual contents of the database are licensed under the Database Contents License.