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Pak Ajay - PKL Mie Ayam

Pak Ajay walks quite a distance every Sunday until the CFD at Bun HI, but he knows his efforts will be profitable!

Where do you live, pak?

I live in a rented property close to Tanah Abang Station. It’s at jalan Petamburan 3. Usually I sell my chicken noodles at Tanah Abang Market Block A, so it’s a good location. Rarely I go back to my home in Kuningan, maybe just once a year on Idul Fitri.

So you come here every week?

Yeah, that’s right. There are many customers here so the profits are high. Bundaran HI is a little far from my house, I have to walk for around an hour, but I will definitely sell everything!

Why start this business? Is there any change in the form of business since its inception started up to now?

I have been selling mie ayam since 1990, so I’ve seen a lot of changes. The Business is still profitable, making around IDR50.000-100.000 per day. It’s enough to pay for my family’s rent.

How does this business make profit ?

I buy cheap ingredients from pasar Palmerah, then wake up at 3AM to prepare the food. Usually I start selling around 6AM, and if I’m successful I can make profit from the investment of IDR450.000 every day.

What about the future? Do you have any plans for your business?

I have two children. My plans are for their education and daily life.

Thanks, Pak.

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