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Bu Rumini - PKL Nasi Uduk

Diperbarui: 10 Sep 2020

Wawancara dengan Ibu Rumini, penjual Nasi Uduk di Kampung Karet yang telah berdiri sejak 1992

Assalamualaikum, Bu

Eh walaikumsalam

Ibu udah jualan nasi uduk disini ?

Dari Tahun ‘92 dah dimari.

Halo Ibu. Tinggal di mana?

Eh iye, saya ada nih deket sinih, ngekos situ di Setiabudi

Apakah tinggal bareng keluarga berarti?

Wah engga, anak saya mah sekolah di muhammadiyah di kampung sono, saya kerja dimari cari duit bakal bayarin. Disini mah udah enak, udah biasa ama daerahnya begitu, ibarat kata mah udah gampang lah ini bakal cari usaha

Jadi Ibu bawa gerobaknya ke sini setiap hari?

Yaa Kalo disini paling seminggu ada lah bangsa 5 kali begitu, tapi yaa 4 jam lah. Kalo pagi ama sore biasa paling pindah deket sudirman sono di jalan gede, bakal cari pelanggan yang kantoran begitu. Tapi, apeh pas libur mah sepi pelanggan dimari, pan kantor pada tutup, jadi seringnya ntar pindah-pindah aja ke proyek begitu.

Itu banyak berjalan setiap hari. Apakah Ibu pindahkan gerobaknya sendiran?

Iye lah! Dorongin gerobak sendiri ke sono ke sini, malem juga pulangnya dorong sendiri pulangnye. jauh sih kalo jalan, alhamdulillah lumayan Setiabudi deket juga kemana-mana. Bisa pindah-pindah, jalan mah paling bangsa paling sekilo. Cuman tapi ntar mesti bangun deh tuh jam 5 subuh bakal siap-siap.

Beli bahan-bahannya di mana, ibu?

Belanja… biasanya sih ke pasar senen, rada jauhan dikit. Gerobaknya saya tinggal aja noh depan kos, ntar kesononya naik motor sama tetangga.

Kenapa ibu pikir sebanyak orang makan di pk5?

Gimana yak? Pan yang beli dimari biasa orang kantoran, ada duit sih tapi masih pada mau makan dimari soalnya murah kita. Kalo di kantin sono mah makanannya mahal.

Yaudah makasih ya bu, pamit

Yok tiati ______________________________ (ENGLISH)

Interview with Bu Rumini, Nasi Uduk seller in Kampung Karet, established since 1992

Hello Ibu. Where do you live?

I rent a room in a local kos (boarding house) in setiabudi, not far from here.

Does your family live there with you?

No, my daughter attends a muhammadiyah boarding school in central Java, but I support her with my business here. I stay here because I know the area and I can make a good living.

So you bring your cart here every day?

I operate here five days a week, but only for four hours per day. In the mornings and evenings I move closer to jalan Sudirman, the main road, to find customers coming to and from work. On weekends there aren’t many customers here because the main offices nearby are empty, so I go to other locations like construction sites.

That is a lot of moving every day. Do you push the cart by yourself?

Of course! I move the cart myself to each location and then take it home at night again. It isn’t far for me to walk because the karet/setiabudi area is very strategic, and there are many different places I can sell, but I don’t got more than 1km. I already have to wake up at 5am to get ready.

Where do you buy the ingredients for your food, bu?

Normally I go to pasar Senen. It’s a little far from here but I can just leave my cart on the street outside my kos and ride my motorbike.

Why do you think so many people come to carts for their food?

Most of my customers are business people, they have money but they still come to eat from a cart because the price is much cheaper. Even in the office canteen the food is more expensive.

Thanks, Ibu.

Ya, stay safe.

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